Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Latest updates from the class fund account!

If you're thinking of sueing the class treasure, killing the class treasurer for the amount of $$ he's been sucking out of you or hoping that there's a way where you can escape his ABILITY if collecting class fund, here's a solid reason why you can't =D.

Apologies for not being able to post this post due to the darn packed schedule I'm coping with right now...

20/3 Chinese notes 0.05
24/3 G.P Family 1.15
25/3 Econs file 2.25
Maths Ws 0.60
Econs notes 0.45
GP handout 0.80
27/3 Chinese Exr 0.20
稿子 0.05
3/4 Econs note 1.00
4/4 Govt&Leadership 0.55
7/4 Class Jacket 3.00
8/4 Maths G.Techniques 1.20

TOTAL: 11.30

Will always be depleting your pocket money,


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